If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
If you have a problem with selection of the size, or you do not see the size of the desired item, please email us hello@liars.co or call +7 905 270 9930 (Rus)
RUS: Стеганная куртка, 2 в 1 — лайнер на зиму (носится под курткой/пальто) и куртка на весну. Два варианта застёжки: кнопки делают куртку приталенной для ношения вторым слоем. Вышивки на груди и спине.
Куртка на парне в размере XL. Рост модели 188 см. Куртка на девушке в размере S. Рост модели 174 см.
ENG: Quilted jacket, 2 in 1 - a liner for winter (worn under a jacket/coat) and a jacket for spring. Two closure options: buttons make the jacket fitted for wearing as a second layer. Embroideries on the chest and back.
Jacket on guy in XL. Model height 188 cm. Jacket on girl in S. Model height 174 cm.